IMT Solutions currently has attractive job opportunities with the following vacancies:
Official staff position:
15 Java Developer
10 Ruby on Rails Developer
10 Mobile Developer
5 React Native Developer
5 NodeJs Developer
30 Web Developer Intern (.Net, Java, RoR…).
10 Mobile Developer Intern (Android and IOS).
10 Intern Tester
When you become a trainee at IMT Solutions, you will:
Participating in the Internship Training program with enthusiastic, highly specialized and experienced management brothers and sisters.
Have the opportunity to learn and develop in the field you orientate.
Enjoy a monthly internship allowance.
Working in a modern, professional environment, easy to learn and develop.
The opportunity to become a full-time employee at the company.
When you become an official employee at IMT Solutions, you will:
Get an attractive, competitive salary.
Opportunities to work in foreign countries such as the US, Japan, Singapore, ...
Happy Hour Party, Birthday party and Company trip.
Comprehensive 24/7 health care insurance.
Modern and professional working environment.
Friendly colleagues, enthusiastic and dedicated boss.
If you want to apply, please send your resume (Resume) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject of the letter: Full name_ Job position.
If you have any questions, please send information about HR IMT at the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Ms. Thao Hanh - HR & Admin IMT Solutions (skype: thaohanhtran.96)